What could the nonlinear view reveal about the essential fabric or pattern of the universe?

The development of nonlinear theories in the last century has significantly altered our understanding of the universe’s composition. One of these theories, quantum mechanics, suggests that the universe is not composed of building blocks (see Fritjof Capra, page 330, The Tao of Physics for details) but consists of dancing energy that fundamentally behaves as a wave. However, when this energy achieves a certain stability or locality, it performs as a particle. This dancing energy carries a pattern of information that is omnipresent. Every creature on Earth is composed of information; information lies at the core of our cells and rattles around in our brains. Every particle in the universe, every electron, every atom, every star, and each of the innumerable galaxies in the heavens, is teeming with information. Consequently, energy and information constitute the essential fabric of the universe.

Quantum mechanics has also redefined our observed-observer relationship by demonstrating that particles alter their behavior when we observe them with certain expectations. This revelation added a cognitive dimension to energy. Systems theory and cognitive theory subsequently introduced the concept that the self-organizing process is a cognitive process capable of creating a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Therefore, when considered in conjunction, these nonlinear theories lead us to conclude that the universe is composed of cognitive energy. According to Max Planck, who was awarded the 1918 Nobel Prize for Physics, “We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This is the matrix of all matter.” Not only is this “force of existence” conscious and intelligent, but Fritjof Capra also contributes a network-perspective to this cognition-centric universe view: “Life organizes itself in networks, and these networks are regenerative, creative, and intelligent.”

Regardless of whether this energy behaves as a wave or a particle, it carries this inherent pattern of information, allowing particles to participate in nonlinear network patterns and form self-organizing systems. As we start perceiving all aspects of our universe on a large scale as carrying this similar pattern, we can see how everything in the universe synchronously fits together, leaving no gaps. Therefore, we can envision a world that operates automatically, without any central command, much like our bodies that constantly perform simultaneous complex tasks with minimum effort.