The Nonlinear View
A Holistic & Systemic View of the World
There is a deep simplicity that exists throughout the self-organizing universe…
Throughout this site, you are invited to flow with your curiosity via the hyperlinks to explore in detail the concepts and theories that together create the Nonlinear View.
Project Goal
A brief description of the 30+ years of research and writing leading to the nonlinear view.
Preface: Systemic Solutions for the Metacrisis
Watch: The Nonlinear View of the World
Discover the deep simplicity that exists throughout the self-organizing living universe with this animated short film!
Capra Course Live Presentation
Watch the live presentation via Fritjof Capra’s Capra Course of “A Message from Earth: An Emerging Guide with Scalable Application for Today’s Metacrisis”
An overview of the deep simplicity of the nonlinear view of the universe.
A Q&A overview to begin exploring this self-organizing nonlinear universe.
Observations at Scale
Let's explore the concept of nonlinear systems and how they are capable of performing complex tasks with minimum effort. We will observe this process in the human body, in plant and fungal networks, and throughout the creative universe.
Nonlinear Networks
What are the inherent qualities of nonlinear networks?
Here we explore how nonlinear networks are made of order and randomness, and how that allows them to perform at the chaotic zone. We will introduce concepts including a power law distribution, self-similarity, and universality.
The Duality of the Brain
This section explores the historical development of the linear approximate model, and how this became the currently dominant model in our thinking and activities.
The Body as a Metaphor
Because of the universality of nonlinear networks, we can observe where within the body we have disconnected from this inherent self-organizing nonlinear process and apply this knowledge to every network we are a part of.
A Unified Theory
The Impact of Acknowledging the Inherent Self-organizing Process: Integrating Science, Spirituality, and Philosophy
Digital Age Transformation Era
Here we analyze of the digital era and the unsustainability of our linear model, and how this is accelerating during this digital age, which is an emergent era of transformation.
The Source of Social Change & Planetary Application
Here we explore the universal application of the Nonlinear View to social and planetary networks at any scale.
The Loving Universe
As we see the Sun and Earth as modeling the sharing of resources without expectation, we can view them as models of unconditional love. This is the principle quality or feeling of the universe.
Full Manuscript
Dive into the Nonlinear View in its entirety here.
Energy: The Essential Fabric
A quote from Fritjof Capra’s The Tao of Physics describing the paradigm shift in physics from thinking in terms of structure to thinking in terms of process.
The Fractal Dimension
A short overview of fractal geometry and how it applies to the nonlinear view of the universe.
Mathematics & The Golden Ratio
The fractal dimension of the Golden Ratio could contain this pattern of information that is inherent throughout the universe…
The Divided Brain with Dr. Iain McGilchrist
Dr. Iain McGilchrist is a psychiatrist, writer, and former Oxford literary scholar. He came to prominence after the publication of his book The Master and His Emissary, subtitled The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World.
The Secret Life of Chaos with Jim Al-Khalili
Chaos Theory conjures up images of nature gone haywire, with all sense of order cast aside. But how did we get here?
The Secret Language of Trees
Discover how trees communicate and share resources through underground fungal networks, with "mother trees" acting as vital hubs that support forest resilience and sustainability.